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Filming in the Arts District

Location productions shooting in the Arts District that may disturb the public tranquility or deprive residents of public resources (such as when there are parking restrictions or the closure of streets or bridges) are asked to make a tax-deductible donation of $850.00 to LADADSpace, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Income derived from this source is used to develop the Arts District Center for the Arts and in other ways that benefit the entire arts community and to develop strategies to preserve the neighborhood as a renewable resource for filming.

mungovan-300x300LADADSpace provides several services to production companies, including but not limited to:

  • Insuring that streets where the city has granted parking restrictions are free of vehicles.
  • Supplying contact information for local businesses, base camp locations and the artists and/or their representatives for clearing the many murals throughout the community.
  • Providing valuable leads and follow up in making contact for filming locations; including restaurants, lofts and industrial spaces in the District.

Please review the Filming Conditions in the Arts District and contact Arts District Film Liaison Jonathan Jerald for more information at 213 814 7164.

arts district shepard fairey

Website by Zenka + Glass